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Vegetables are a little underrated, if you ask me – take this recipe for something as simple as carrots, for example you will never think that they can be conjured into an amazing bite with a little butter, syrup and thyme, would you? But they can – in fact, it’s incredible easy and can easily be both a snack, shared dish, starter, side dish and main course – I hope you like the recipe.

One of the first things I mastered was actually vegetables, where I discovered that they are quite simple and tasty, if you just give them a little focus and not least love (butter). I made fried carrots in butter, chicken stock and with a little salt and pepper, which were simply fried in the pan. Later the recipe was improved significantly, and it comes here.

Recipe for butter roasted carrots with dill dip
After a short time on the pan
Recipe for butter roasted carrots with dill dip

Recipe for butter roasted carrots with dill dip

Ret: Aftensmad
Køkken: dansk
Keyword: Bagte gulerødder, Snack, Stege gulerødder
Forb. tid: 5 minutter
Tilb. tid: 30 minutter
Samlet tid: 35 minutter
Antal: 2 persons
Forfatter: Familiefaren

Recipe for butter roasted carrots with a wonderful creamy dill dip. It is a wonderful recipe for a delicious, healthy and easy dish which is quick to make.




  • 3 pieces of large carrots or 6 small ones depending on the season
  • 2 tbsp. virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tbsp. syrup or honey
  • 3 sprigs of thyme
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper


  • 3 large tbsp. sour cream 18%
  • 3 large tbsp. greek yogurt 10%
  • 1 large clove of pressed garlic
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper

Sådan gør du


  1. Turn on the oven at 190 degrees fan.
  2. Clean the carrots and cut them in half.
  3. Heat a pan with oil and butter.
  4. When the butter is ready, place the carrots on the pan. Put the wide side down.

  5. Add thyme.
  6. Fry them at medium-high heat for 2-3 min.
  7. Add syrup or honey.
  8. Let it spread and now pour the pan a little and with a spoon you pour the wetness over the carrots.
  9. When you have done this a few times, put the pan in the oven for approx 30 minutes

  10. Meanwhile, make the dip.
  11. Along the way, you may very well just pour the water over the carrots again.
  12. If they have not formed a delicious frying crust when you turn them, then you put them back on the pan and give them two minutes at high heat.

  13. Spread the dip on a flat plate.
  14. Place the carrots with the flat side up.
  15. Spread the rest of the wet over them.
  16. Sprinkle any a little dip extra dip over.


  1. Press the garlic and chop the dill.
  2. Mix everything together and season with salt and pepper.
  3. Refrigerate until the carrots are done.
Recipe for butter roasted carrots with dill dip
After a trip in the oven – feel free to give them a few extra minutes on the pan
Recipe for butter roasted carrots with dill dip
The worlds best carrots

I hope you like the recipe – if you want inspiration for more, I have made quite a few recipes with, for example, cauliflower, which also are delicious – “barbeque buffalo blomkålssnacks” or “sunde nachos på blomkål med avocado, tomat, syltede løg og chili-mayo“.

Finally, let me know what you think of the recipe.

Bloggens omdrejningspunkt er Familiefaren, som i virkeligheden er mig – Mads Schytte, der har været medskaber af den succesfulde madblog Gastromand. Jeg har nu valgt at gå solo, da jeg gerne vil lave en blog, som omfavner hele mit liv – alt lige fra besøg på Michelin- restauranter, rejser verden rundt, spiritus og livets fantastiske glæder til noget som faktisk er meget vigtigere – “hverdagslivet” – det er nemlig sådan, at jeg deler mit liv med tre fantastiske piger – Sophia, Noa og Smilla på 11, 10 og 8 år. Det betyder, at daglige madpakker, børneretter i hverdagen og frysetørret kaffe i min “to-go-kop” på vej på job i bilen hver morgen, også er en del af mit liv. Det betyder bl.a. også, at jeg gerne går all-in, når datoen siger 31. oktober, og vi leger Halloween til den helt store guldmedalj. Derudover har jeg også Whiskytossen som er et lille sideprojekt - du er velkommen til at kigge forbi hvis du som mig også er Whiskylover - skål og velkommen til...

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